Optimize UKG Dimensions to Realize Its Full Potential

If your organization has been up and running with UKG Dimensions, you’ve no doubt been enjoying the many benefits that the platform has to offer. UKG Dimensions is an industry-leading workforce management solution with an incredible amount of functionality available when it comes to timekeeping, scheduling, and much more.

Thankfully, Dimensions is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Nonetheless, since the platform is still somewhat new to your organization, you might be wondering if there are any areas of Dimensions that you are missing out on. For this reason, it’s a great idea to take a step back and ask yourself if there are ways that you can optimize Dimensions further so that you can let the platform reach its full potential for your organization.

In this article, we take a closer look at five UKG Dimensions Optimizations you can make that will benefit your organization!

5 UKG Dimensions Optimizations That Will Benefit Your Organization

1. Automating Manual Gaps in Your HCM Processes

Many times, HCM Managers using UKG Dimensions get stuck with a variety of different manual processes that can become quite tedious when added together over time. For example, perhaps your organization has experienced a past merger or acquisition and, while you’re using some features of Dimensions, you are still having to make some manual payroll adjustments every month as well.

These old configurations introduced by the merger or acquisition of another company have presented a great opportunity for a trusted UKG Dimensions Partner to go in and optimize. Your UKG Partner can automate these manual payroll processes so that you’re no longer stuck with them each month.

2. Power Up Your Dimensions Instance with Additional Modules

UKG Dimensions has additional modules that many organizations haven’t activated during their original implementations. For example, with the Advanced Scheduling module, you can take advantage of demand-based scheduling to automate the allocation of your human capital resources. Through integrations with third-party demand-based applications, Dimensions will automatically schedule extra workers for times when they are needed the most.

Moreover, UKG Dimensions can be leveraged to put an automated rewards system in place that rewards your employees for reaching attendance goals. This reward system is a great tool for combating the current labor market pressures involving increasing employee turnover rates. When an attendance-based rewards system is in place through UKG Dimensions, your employee satisfaction rates will increase because employees feel more valued for their attendance performance and Dimensions becomes an excellent retention tool for your HCM efforts.

Additional Dimensions modules also encompass the automation of leave management and tracking. For example, Dimensions tracks FMLA usage so that you can ensure that your employees receive the FMLA that they’ve earned. Moreover, Dimensions gives you a real-time view of the specific FMLA status of each employee currently using it. This removes the guesswork and manual efforts that are made to calculate how much FMLA an employee has used.

3. Build Fully Customizable Reports

One of the most powerful aspects of UKG Dimensions is the platform’s ability to offer reports tailored to your specific business requirements. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to capitalize on custom reporting features and only use preset reports in the system.

As an experienced UKG Dimensions Partner, PredictiveHR can help you create an endless amount of extremely granular, customized reports to meet your every reporting need. Whether it’s time and attendance, payroll, or another function, Dimensions custom reporting allows you to slice and dice the data and report it in any manner that suits your HCM team and your stakeholders.

4. Ready-to-Use Robust Analytics Features

Analytics is an integral part of making your HCM efforts more efficient and more effective. UKG Dimensions knows that your team needs to have robust visibility into the inner workings of your HCM operations. That’s why UKG built Dimensions to have real-time analytics out-of-the-box.

Dimensions provides all organizations with real-time views of mission-critical data covering everything from scheduling to attendance. Based on our experience at PredictiveHR, we recommend that you let your Dimensions instance collect at least 12 months’ worth of data to have a sufficient sample size to assess the performance of your HCM operations. This puts you in a position to make adjustments to gain increased efficiencies based on these insights.

5. Plug In Valuable Integrations

When you implemented UKG Dimensions, you may have integrated with HR platforms, or you might have plugged time and attendance into payroll. Now that you’ve been using Dimensions, it’s a great opportunity to integrate with additional high-value platforms. For example, your UKG Partner can integrate business intelligence (BI) tools with Dimensions. This will allow you to gain a much deeper understanding of how labor usage translates to the actual cost of production of your goods and services.

At PredictiveHR, we not only lead your implementation of UKG Dimensions, but we also help you continually find ways to optimize the platform so that you can reach your HCM goals year after year. Schedule a free consultation with one of our UKG Dimensions experts today to learn more!